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Ром / Rum minibottles
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Captain Morgan's Parrot Bay / Puerto Rican Rum with Natural Coconut Flavor

Пуэрто-Рико (США) Rum produced by Captain Morgan Rum Co., Ponce, Puerto Rico
Bottled by Captain Morgan Rum Co., Baltimore, MD
50 21% пластмасса+наклейка США
Captain Morgan's Parrot Bay / Pineapple
Puerto Rican Rum with Natural Pineapple Flavor

Пуэрто-Рико (США) Rum produced by Captain Morgan Rum Co., Ponce, Puerto Rico
Bottled by Captain Morgan Rum Co., Baltimore, MD
50 21% пластмасса+наклейка США
Cruzan Banana Rum
Виргинские Острова Premium Cruzan Rum with natural Banana Flavors
Distilled and shipped by Cruzan Rum Distillery Co., St. Croix, Virgin Islands
пластмасса+наклейка США
De Geele Rom Германия Herm. G. Dethleffsen, Flensburg 20 32% стекло+наклейка ?
Der Alte Hansen 40 Германия
40 40% стекло+наклейка ?
Der Gute Pott Германия Seit 1848
H.H. Pott NFGR Rumhandelshaus Flensburg
40 40% стекло+наклейка ?
Hansen Prasident 42 Германия
40 42% стекло+наклейка ?
Carribean Rum with natural coconut flavor
Канада Twelve Islands Shipping Co.
Imported and Bottled by Allied Domecq Spirits, USA, Westport, CT
Product of Canada
50 21% пластмасса+наклейка США
Myers's Rum / Original Dark

Ямайка 100% Fine Jamaican Rum
World Famous
Distilled in Jamaica under government supervision for Myers Rum Company Ltd. Nassau, Bahamas. Imported and bottled by Fred L. Myers & Son Co., Ltd. Baltimore, MD
50 40% пластмасса+наклейка США
Original Hana Bay Premium Rum США The celebrated rum of Hawaiian distillers
Prepared and distilled by Hawaiian Distilled Products Co., Tustin, CA
50 40% пластмасса+наклейка США
Ron Bacardi Superior Ямайка Bacardi and the Bat Device are registered trademarks of Bacardi & Company Limited
Bottled by authority and to the specifications of Bacardi & Company Limited
50 38% стекло+наклейка Австрия
Ron Bacardi Superior
Puerto Rican Rum
США Established 1862

пластмасса+наклейка США
Ron Bermudez Anejo Especial Доминиканская Республика Уыефидусшвщы ут 1852 50 40% стекло+наклейка ?


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